Guide to Careers in the CR Field/Additional Resources (Including Newly Expanded List of Key Job Websites)

The Higher Education CRE Faculty of the Florida State University School of Law’s listserve ( today includes Craig Zelizer’s blog post on the Peace and Collaborative Development Network relative to careers in the CR field.

Finding the right job in conflict resolution, international development and related fields requires a combination of the right experience and training, an understanding of the field, developing strong connections and a bit of serendipity. In addition to academic and/or professional training, it is essential to have an understanding of how conflict resolution works in practice. Many people working in conflict related jobs, will not find employment with “conflict resolution organizations” but with organizations in others sectors (international development, education, environment, business) working on conflict related jobs. Thus it is also important in the job search to broaden your scope to include international development organizations, government and intergovernmental institutions, for-profit and business institutions, educational institutions, and more.

Read the entire article here: