Law Firm Compensation Systems Lack Equality, Study Shows

On June 8, 2010, The National Law Journal published an interview the Joan Williams, Directory of the Project for Attorney Retention (PAR), relative to the study, “New Millennium, Same Glass Ceiling: The Impact of Law Firm Compensation System on Women,” undertaken in partnership between the Metropolitan Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) and the Project for Attorney Retention, an arm of the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California Hastings College of the Law.

It’s no secret that women earn less than their male colleagues at law firms — the National Association of Women Lawyers concluded last year that female equity partners make an average $66,000 less a year.

An extensive study released this week surveyed more than 700 women partners about their views of the compensation gap and analyzed the factors that lead to disparity in pay.

Read the entire article here: