MacArthur Foundation President Jonathan Fanton on the Future of International Criminal Justice

The Consultative Conference on International Criminal Justice will be held in September at the United Nations in New York. An interview with MacArthur Foundation President Jonathan Fanton on the Future of International Criminal Justice is the subject of this article.

We thought it would be useful if some of the main actors could get together to share how they are planning and looking ahead. The notion was to engage diverse parties within the international justice system to share thoughts and plans – starting with the organs of the (International Criminal) Court itself – the Registrar, the Assembly of State Parties, and the Office of the Prosecutor — but also actors within the UN system, regional courts and commissions and NGOs are critical too.

Ultimately, our international justice efforts is not simply calling to account evildoers but raising the quality of justice in nations in regions all over the world.

Read the entire article here: